What is an Open Graph?

Slim SEO Team @ wpslimseo.com • 1 year ago

Open Graph is a standard set of tags that are added to the head section of an web page. It provides meta information, such as author, title, image, and so on. It is mainly used by the social sites Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest. When someone shares a link the social site gets information to show from the Open Graph data. It is considered a best practice to include Open Graph data, and most SEO plugins will add this to your pages for you automatically.

Open Graph is explained in more detail in this post from the Slim SEO team.

Matt Mullenweg Contributes to the Drupal Project

Dries Buytaert @ dri.es • 1 year ago

Just as Matt gives a keynote at WordCamp US, so too Drupal founder Dries Buytaert presented the State of the Drupal Project at DrupalCon North America 2023. Drupal was focusing on the importance of innovation and had a contest where project proposals were shared and voted. One of the top projects involves working on Gutenberg for Drupal. In a surprise move, Matt Mullenweg donated funds and personal to help.