Greenshift 10.8 features an API Connector that connects the Repeater builder with APIs, Interactions, Dynamic calls, Dynamic Placeholders, and Dynamic Fields.

New Dynamic Features in Greenshift 10.8
Igor Sunz @ greenshiftwp.como • 3 weeks ago
Igor Sunz @ greenshiftwp.como • 3 weeks ago
Greenshift 10.8 features an API Connector that connects the Repeater builder with APIs, Interactions, Dynamic calls, Dynamic Placeholders, and Dynamic Fields.
David McCan @ • 3 weeks ago
Greenshift has been working on a modern version of their blocks called Greenlight that is lightweight and provides an advanced workflow. In this video I do a walk-through showing how to use the Greenlight blocks and I look at the new features and workflow.
Mauro Cassani @ • 1 year ago
In a cool partnership, the Greenshift team has an arrangement with Mauro Cassani of ACPT to include a one site license of ACPT in the Greenshift All in One unlimited packages. This is a great idea as people can now try out ACPT and use it with Greenshift.
Igor Sunz @ • 2 years ago
Visual design helpers just landed in the free Greenshift Gutenberg plugin. This includes a New CSS Grid template builder, Row layout builder, Position drag, Resizer, Spacing visual helper, border-radius helper, fast Flexbox helpers, toolbar panels for quick Typography and Background. All of these “builders” work through visual drag and move.
David McCan @ • 2 years ago
Greenshift and Cwicly are two advanced options for working with Gutenberg and the full site editor. This video has a walk-through, discussion, and comparison of the features of each.
JP @ • 2 years ago
In this video JP creates a hero section using the Spectra, Stackable, and Greenshift blocks plugins. You get a sense of the differences in user interface and ease of use.