Hallway Hangout Site Editor

Summary of Hallway Hangout About Overlapping Problems in the Site Editor

Anne McCarthy @ make.wordpress.org • 12 months ago

Anne McCarthy again – About a week ago she posted an article on her personal blog titled Overlapping Problems, which surfaced a number of rough spots with the content editor and site editor experiences.

Yesterday she hosted a Hallway Hangout which was attended by a broad spectrum of contributors, users, agency owners, etc. One thing that is interesting about this is that the Hallway Hangout functioned in an open-ended fashion to allow people to share their frustrations and suggestions.

The Make post has a summary of topics discussed and the full discussion is available with a YouTube video at the top of the post.

Outreach Program Changes

Changes to the Outreach Program

Ronny Shani @ wptavern.com • 12 months ago

Beginning in May 2020, Automattic sponsored Anne McCarthy to run the FSE Outreach program. The idea was to encourage WordPress users to try new features and also to be a conduit to get non-core user feedback to the core team. The program has been a success, both in terms of providing better communication, but also as a tool for bettering community relations.

Now Anne is moving on to other tasks and the outreach program, which was originally seen as temporary, is being given a more permanent status as part of the testing team. Birgit Pauli-Haack will be the new lead.