For developers – Here is a tutorial on how to create custom wp-cli commands.

Create Custom WP Command line Commands
Misha Rudrastyh @ • 1 year ago
Misha Rudrastyh @ • 1 year ago
For developers – Here is a tutorial on how to create custom wp-cli commands.
Joost de Valk @ • 1 year ago
The WordPress Playground plugin demo feature is available again for plugins in the directory, but now it is opt-in. In this tutorial Joost de Valk shares a brief walk-through of how it works and how you can setup a customized demo.
Elijah Mills @ • 1 year ago
Oxygen 4.8 was released and the main feature is the Navigator, which allows you to quickly switch pages, templates, and blocks from within the editor. That addresses a pain point when using Oxygen.
Alfredo Navas @ • 1 year ago
Here is a good comparison / contrasting look at classic and block themes.
acosmin @ • 1 year ago
The Theme Team at WordPress org has developed a draft proposal of guidelines for a theme onboarding process. This follows the discussions about the original onboarding wizard from the Ollie Theme that was moved to a plugin. @ • 1 year ago
The State of Enterprise WordPress 2023 Report has been released. It provides insight into why WordPress was chosen, cost, team, traffic, etc.
Matias Ventura @ • 1 year ago
This is a great interview of Matias Ventura by Jamie Marsland. It is a very in-depth on the history of Gutenberg, approach and philosophy, ecosystem, and direction. A must listen for those interested in Gutenberg.
Matt Mullenweg @ • 1 year ago
On the follow up question and answer page Matt Mullenweg answered the question about the WordPress user experience being split between page builder users and Gutenberg users. Here is his answer.
Matt Mullenweg @ • 1 year ago
Here is the 2023 State of the Word. Some interesting topics. It was helpful seeing the plan for the custom field implementation. I hadn’t been clear on that. It was also nice to see the performance improvements. It seemed like a lot of things were touched on briefly but not too much covered in depth.