This is a tutorial for developers on adding patterns for the Query Loop block.

Creating Patterns for the Query Loop Block
Alfredo Navas @ • 2 years ago
Alfredo Navas @ • 2 years ago
This is a tutorial for developers on adding patterns for the Query Loop block. • 2 years ago
Gutenberg 15.8 (the plugin version) has some new features. They added the pages menu to the site editor, the revisions UI to the global styles interface, and Theme Previews for block themes. These features will be included in WordPress 6.3 in August.
David McCan @ • 2 years ago
Munir Kamal runs the Gutenberg Hub shop where they sell block plugins. In this video David McCan takes a look at the Better YouTube Embed plugin, which offers an easy performance boost.
Jamie Marsland @ • 2 years ago
Jamie Marsland has a video comparing 4 AI writers. He looks at how well they integrate with Gutenberg and how flexible and fast they are. It is a nice comparison because the differences are very apparent and it is easy to see what would make each one more useful.
David McCan @ • 2 years ago
From the WebTNG newsletter comes an in-depth editorial looking at block themes and discussing reactions to Gutenberg and the Site Editor. The author suggests that viewing Gutenberg as a “dumpster fire” is a fallacy.