Marcus Kober has written this in depth guide for developers on how to add hooks to your PHP code.

How to Register WordPress Hooks
Marcus Kober @ • 2 years ago
Marcus Kober @ • 2 years ago
Marcus Kober has written this in depth guide for developers on how to add hooks to your PHP code.
Miriam Schwab @ • 2 years ago
This is an interesting presentation given by Miriam Schwab at YoastCon about the Challenges and Opportunities for WordPress.
Rob Cairns @ • 2 years ago
Rob Cairns has an interesting discussion with Dennis Dornon, co-founder of MainWP. They talk about how MainWP got started, viability of lifetime licenses, hosting, security, and what’s coming with MainWP.
annezazu @ • 2 years ago
There is a very ambitious set of goals and projects envisioned for WordPress 6.3, which is scheduled for August 8th, 2023.
Plans include adding a navigation section to the Site Editor, adding a styles section, enhancements to blocks and possibly adding some new blocks, expanding pattern management, UI refinements, and performance gains. • 2 years ago
Yikes! – Note that WordPress 6.2.1 removes support for shortcodes in block theme templates. Apparently this was part of one of the security fixes. There are a couple of work-arounds mentioned in the thread.
Alexandra Yap @ • 2 years ago
This video walks through the new changes to the Stackable Inspector UI. They have better organized the controls, added some additional styling options, and tried to streamline the process of using blocks.
Brizy Team • 2 years ago
The Brizy team has released some tutorials and courses featuring Brizy WP and Brizy Cloud. Topics include things like building a landing page, a resume website, and a full Brizy Cloud tutorial. This is a great idea.
Riad Benguella @ • 2 years ago
Gutenberg developers are asking for feedback on a proposed “Command Center” feature, which is a popup navigator activated using a keyboard combination. There is a short video in the post.
David McCan @ • 2 years ago
Munir Kamal runs the Gutenberg Hub shop where they sell block plugins. In this video David McCan takes a look at the Better YouTube Embed plugin, which offers an easy performance boost.