Wp Data Update News

WordPress Stats Update

David McCan @ wpdaily.news • 10 months ago

I noticed some changes in the w3techs monthly report related to WordPress. I compared February and April’s reports. Here are some changes:

  • WordPress market share increased 1/10th of a percent to 43.3%. This was down or stagnate for a long time, so first recent increase.
  • Version 6.x adoption is up almost 2%.
  • Elementor’s share of WordPress is up 0.8% since February.
  • WooCommerce is up 1/10th of a percent.
  • WPBakery is down slightly.
  • This month they added Bricks and Breakdance to the tracking.
Hallway Hangout Site Editor

Summary of Hallway Hangout About Overlapping Problems in the Site Editor

Anne McCarthy @ make.wordpress.org • 12 months ago

Anne McCarthy again – About a week ago she posted an article on her personal blog titled Overlapping Problems, which surfaced a number of rough spots with the content editor and site editor experiences.

Yesterday she hosted a Hallway Hangout which was attended by a broad spectrum of contributors, users, agency owners, etc. One thing that is interesting about this is that the Hallway Hangout functioned in an open-ended fashion to allow people to share their frustrations and suggestions.

The Make post has a summary of topics discussed and the full discussion is available with a YouTube video at the top of the post.